“Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

Journeys Through the Word

“Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

Verse(s) considered:

Genesis 18:9-15

(9)  “Where is Sarah, your wife?” the visitors asked. “She’s inside the tent,” Abraham replied.

(10)  Then one of them said, “I will return to you about this time next year, and your wife, Sarah, will have a son!” Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent.

(11)  Abraham and Sarah were both very old by this time, and Sarah was long past the age of having children.

(12)  So she laughed silently to herself and said, “How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my master—my husband—is also so old?”

(13)  Then the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say, ‘Can an old woman like me have a baby?’

(14)  Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

(15)  Sarah was afraid, so she denied it, saying, “I didn’t laugh.” But the LORD said, “No, you did laugh.”

Thoughts along the road:

I need to be reminded of this little scene from time to time. There is nothing that God does not know about and there is nothing that He cannot do. I firmly believe that sometimes our waiting is God’s way of showing us that no one else and nothing else is responsible for the blessings that He bestows on us.

When Sarah had abandoned all hope of bearing her own child, when her body seemed to be way beyond the point of conceiving a child, when Abraham also seemed beyond the age of fathering a child—God made it happen. Sarah thought it laughable and did so, to herself, like a private joke that she only shared with herself—but, God heard it . . . He called her on it and reminded her that nothing was too hard for Him.

Where to go from here:

Perhaps, I am not the only one that needs to be reminded of God’s infinite power and His complete knowledge of my and my circumstances.

God is always completely aware of what we are going through. He knows the promises of His that we have long waited to see fulfilled. We should not lose faith that He will, in His own way and in His own time, keep those promises fully and completely. It doesn’t matter that we think the right time for that fulfillment has passed us by. It doesn’t matter that we see no possible way for that promise to be kept in your life.

God knows His promises better than we do. He knows the best time to keep those promises. He also knows our hearts. He knows our needs. He loves us more and better than anyone else possibly could. He will do as He has promised. Stand firm in your faith. Stay faithful to Him and He will deliver beyond your wildest expectations.

About Steve Mathisen

I am a retired man who is a husband, father and grandfather. I love Jesus and try to follow Him. I fail at that regularly. He keeps picking me up, dusting me off and encouraging me to follow Him. I am going to keep doing that until I die. In the meantime, I edit for others and try to write. :)
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